Tuesday, February 24, 2015

San Diego, CA water

San Diego California and water use and prevention

San Diego is basically a desert and we get water from far away places 37% of our water comes from within CA and the other 63% comes from the Colorado river.

In the future water demands will rise and water will start being recycled and desalinization. if there is climate change in the future then there will be a bigger demand for water.

The main reasons for an increase in water will be because of population increase and climate change.

our demands will be meat when we have a new water source that is better than our previous water sources.

one graph shows that we will need to find a new source of water by 2050. another part on the graph shows that if there is no climate change then we will have more water from the Colorado river. basically reusing water will make up a portion of our water in the future. basically we need water badly in the future witch will prove to be a challenge when the population increases.
some ways we can conserve water includes: rain barrels, fake grass, and drip irrigation.the rain barrels will collect storm drain and down fall water which will give us a rebate of $75. fake grass well its just grass that you do not need to water which will save money. drip irrigation is where you water plants with only drips saving again money and water for San Diego.
An example of a rain barrel (ways to save water)
An example of drip irrigation (watering plant with only drips not a water bucket)

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